Carbesia 100ml
Carbesia 100ml
Carbesia 100ml is an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection used in the treatment and prophylaxis of babesiosis, anaplasmosis and mixed infections in equines, bovine, cattles and dogs.
Imidocarb dipropionate 85 mg/ml
Cattle: Treatment and prophylaxis of babesiosis, anaplasmosis and mixed infections.
Dogs:Â Treatment and prophylaxis of babesiosis.
Dosage and administration
Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection
– Babesiosis : Deep intramuscular or subcutaneous injection in the neck or rump :
Prevention: imidocarb 2.125 mg per kg body weight corresponding to 2.5 ml per 100 kg body weight.
Treatment: imidocarb 0.85 mg per kg body weight corresponding to 1 ml per 100 kg body weight. One injection is typically sufficient .
– Bovine anaplasmosis :
Treatment: imidocarb 2.125 mg per kg body weight corresponding to 2.5 ml per 100 kg body weight.
Dogs :
– Babesiosis : intramuscular or subcutaneous :
Prevention: imidocarb 4.25 mg per kg body weight corresponding to 0.5 ml per 10 kg bodyweight . The duration of prevention does not exceed 4-6 weeks (chemoprevention ).
Treatment: 2.125 mg imidocarb per kg body weight corresponding to 0.25 ml per 10 kg bodyweight . One injection is typically sufficient
Imidocarb dipropionate 85 mg/ml
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