Corpoten 50ml



Corpoten 50ml

Corpoten Injection by Chinfield has a powerful cardiotonic, circulation and respiratory activity which increase tissue oxygenation significantly, especially during effort and delaying the appearance of fatigue sensation.


Corpoten Indications

Cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. Physical weakness. Insufficient pulmonary ventilation. Bronchial spasms. Post anesthesia: respiratory and heart depression. Ketamina 100 Chinfield 50ml


Glycine 10 g
Nikethamide 15 g
Diphenamin citrate 2.5 g
Formulation agents 100 ml


When using Corpoten 50ml , make sure 2 to 4 ml x 100 klw daily or every other day, in a 10 to 15 series of injections or according to the Veterinarian’s prescription.
SLOW intravenous injection. Dexa S 50ml


50 ml

Alizin 10ml

Pentosan Gold 6ml

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