Diamino 100ml



Diamino 100ml

Diamino Injectable is a combination of B complex vitamins with liver extract and ferric citrate to achieve a stimulation of metabolism in all those cases where debilitating conditions are present, as well as to stimulate erythropoiesis.

Indication For Use

Vitamin and anti-anemia restorative. Combination of B complex vitamins with liver extract (synthetic origin) and ferric citrate, to achieve a stimulation of metabolism in all those cases where debilitating conditions are present, as well as to stimulate erythropoiesis.

It can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment and during convalescence of diseases caused by parasites of various kinds. Indicated for all cases of vitamin deficiencies of the formula, for example: nervous disorders and enteritis in general, where there is a deficient supply or absorption of vitamins from food, in states of weakness characterized by anorexia, anemia , weight loss and poor growth and in all those cases where a supportive (restorative) treatment is required to strengthen the patient and restore him.

FORMULA: Each 100 ml contains:

Thiamine hydrochloride 8.6 g
Sodium riboflavin-5-phosphate 0.28 g
Nicotinamide 10.5 g
Pyridoxine hydrochloride 0.52 g
Panthenol dextrÌ?giro 2.2 g
Cianocobalamina 0.012 g
Green iron ammonium citrate 1.5 g
Liver extract (synthetic origin) fraction I 2.7 g

Diamino 100ml Dosage:

Canines and felines: 1 to 2 ml.

Cattle, horses, sheep, goats and pigs: 4 to 8 ml.



Intramuscular or intravenous.


Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Occasionally, anaphylactic reactions may occur.

Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Consult the Veterinary Doctor.


Bottles with 50 and 100 ml.

Aicar 10ml

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