Diuridex-A 30 ML -EXIMERK



Diuridex-A 30 ML -EXIMERK

Diuridex-A 30 ML (EXIMERK) is a Diuretic analgesic anti inflammatory, Antiphlogistic, Based on dexa 21 phosphate and furosemide, With an extinguishing activator like B15 .


Bottle 30 ml

Formula :

Each 10 ml :

1ºDexamethasone 21 phosphate ( (DSP) 0.010gr

2ºFurosemide 1 g

3ºVitamin B15 0.200 gr

Sterile depyrogenated tridentylated water 10 ml

Formula Detail:

1º DSP 0.01g/10ml = 1mg/ml = 0.1%

2º Furosemide 1gr/10ml= 1000mg/10ml =100mg/ml=10%

3º Vitamin B15 0.200g/10ml = 200mg/10ml = 20mg/ml = 2%

Total contents of 1 bottle 30ml: 

1º DSP 30mg/30ml = 0.03g/ml

2º Furosemide 3000mg/30ml = 3g/30ml

3º Vitamin B15 600 mg/30ml = 0.6g/30ml

Dosification & Administration for Race :

For professional application, read the article about dexa for race: Click Here

Dosages range from approximately 3 to 8 ml depending on many factors.

For safe application pre-race: 5 ml for 5 days (IV or IM), suspend 1 days before the race , but the last day  you can use rapid excretion technique: 

In Horses: apply  only 1 ml IV 3hr – 4 hr before the race, (1 ml = 100 mg furosemide, Which is the furosemide limit of application with so little time before the race .. that it is not detected)

In Camel: apply  only 0.7 ml IV 3hr – 4 hr before the race, (1 ml = 70 mg furosemide, Which is the furosemide limit of application with so little time before the race .. that it is not detected).

But the exact calculation of milliliters to apply:  0.002ml diuritex-A/Kg IV , apply  before 5th hour  the extraction of samples for analysis for detection of drugs, blood and/or urine… Knowing that the maximum effect of the product occurs between the 3rd and 4th hour of applied IV

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