Dr Blues Aminoplex 100ml



Dr Blues Aminoplex 100ml

Dr Blues Aminoplex 100ml  is a highly concentrated source of essential free-form amino acids which relate iron vitamins a, c, d, & e, b-12 b complex, b-15 microminerals d-glucose, in special enzyme intrinsic factors in help building muscles, and anemic conditions and as a vehicle for protein utilization and nitrogen uptake by body cells and as an agent essential for steroid uptake by muscle tissue cells.


Can be used with any medication or supplement. Aminoplex is used as a general conditioning agent in overcoming nutritional and anemic conditions. Each cc contains 1000 mcg. of B12 plus Iron, Liver, B Complex, and other vitamins and enzymes essential to good health and well being!

Dosage and Administration:

The initial dose is 1/2cc to 1cc depending on each fowl’s condition, with a follow-up dose of 1/4 to 1/2cc once a week until improvement or until day before competition.

On the day of competition, inject 1/4cc regardless of when last injection was made.

All injections should be made in meaty portion of breast muscle.

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