Draxxin KP 50ml



Draxxin KP 50ml

Draxxin KP (tulathromycin and ketoprofen injection) Injectable Solution is a one-shot combination that provides fast-acting control of fever (pyrexia) associated with bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and long-acting, demonstrated, antibacterial activity against the four major BRD pathogens, so cattle make a fast BRD recovery. This single dose BRD treatment combines the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen with the antibiotic tulathromycin, the active ingredient in Draxxin.

Important Safety Information:

Draxxin KP has a pre-slaughter withdrawal time of 18 days in cattle. Not for use in female dairy cattle 1 year of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Not for use in beef calves less than 2 months of age, dairy calves, and veal calves.


Package size – 50ml
Species – Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle
Active Ingredients – ketoprofen (120 mg/mL)
– tulathromycin (100 mg/mL)
Used for – bovine respiratory disease (BRD), pyrexia
Used during – Branding/Castrating, Breeding, Calving/Freshening, Feedlot Arrival, Pre Conditioning, Weaning
Route of administration – Injectable

Draxxin KP 50ml Instructions

Inject subcutaneously as a single dose in the neck at a dosage of 2.5 mg tulathromycin and 3 mg ketoprofen/kg (1.1 mL/100 lb.) bodyweight (BW).

Do not inject more than 10 mL per injection site. Use this product within 56 days of the first puncture, and puncture a maximum of 20 times.

If more than 20 punctures are anticipated, the use of automatic injection equipment or a repeater syringe is recommended.

When using a draw-off spike or needle with a bore diameter larger than 16 gauge, discard any product remaining in the vial immediately after use.

Breath Up 20ml 

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