Singanitropin 100iu



Singanitropin 100iu


Singanitropin 100iu is a high quality synthetic growth hormone made by Singani Pharma. The main active substance is Somatropin, which is identical to the hormone found in the body, commonly called Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This product pleases not only with its quality, but also with an affordable price, it is universal, suitable for a wide range of athletes, for both sexes. Bold-Max 300mg

Effects Of Singanitropin

When taking Growth Hormone, you can gain muscle mass, rejuvenate your body, achieve maximum body definition, and heal all kinds of damage.

The main reason for the high popularity of growth hormone in sports is its ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. In addition, studies have shown that the intake of growth hormone leads to an increase in lean muscle mass, connective tissue and an increase in the volume of muscle cells due to the accumulation of fluid. Another beneficial effect of growth hormone is to reduce the frequency of injuries.

This is due to its ability to strengthen bone and connective (tendons, cartilage) tissues. Growth hormone accelerates healing and tissue repair after injury. In a period of illness, growth hormone is similarly very helpful, so that it maintains your immunity at a sufficiently high level. Humatrope 36iu

How To Take Singanitropin HGH

Singani Pharma produces HGH in vials containing 10 IU of Somatropin in the form of a white powder. It is necessary to inject 1ml of sterile water with a syringe along the wall of the vial, then gently rotate the vial in a circular motion until the contents are completely dissolved, do not shake.

The recommended dosage of HGH for recovery treatment is 1-3 UI subcutaneously daily until a full recovery is observed. If the drug is used for performance enhancement, the dose commonly used is 4-6 IU per day for a duration of 2-6 months depending on the user’s goal.

Singanitropin 100iu Side effects

Growth hormone can cause short-term hyperglycemia, but after stopping the drug, it goes away. Common adverse reactions include mild pain, tingling, swelling around the injection site, peripheral edema and joint pain.

Although, all of these adverse reactions often occur early in treatment and are temporary and bearable. In the HGH injection section you can see products from other manufacturers.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Human Growth Hormone. Delivery of HGH to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service team for assistance. Poison 15ml

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