T-power Max 25ml
T-power Max 25ml
T-power Max 25ml Injection is very good for general wellness. Mostly used for endurance races providing great performance in horses and camels. T-Power Max enhance Power, Stamina and Breathing.
T-power max Increases energy levels. Promotes muscle mass and firmness. Improves circulation and cardiovascular health. Reach your maximum performance. T-Power is designed to counteract the progressive decline in hormone levels. Shark Cartilage 100ml
T-power Max Formulation
Q-Enzyme 10 …………………. 400 mg
ATP ………………………………….. 160 mg
Magnesium hcl ………………… 80 mg
Crotalus ……………………………. 30 mg
Barberis Homoccord ……….. 20 mg
Exp ……………………………………. 100
The T power max supplement enhance physical and muscular development horses and camels. ATP Dinamogeno 50ml
- Increases hormone production
- Boosts performance and breathing
- Supports muscle development and firmness
- Helps increase endurance and reduce fatigue
- Supports muscle recovery
- Provides energy and vitality
Horses: 5 ml for 5 days before the race (1 shot per day) – IM / IV (Last shot must be given 4 hs before the race)
Camels: 3 ml for 5 days before the race (1 shot per day) – IM / IV (Last shot must be given 4 hs before the race)
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