PanaKare Plus for Dogs & Cats
PancreVed Powder for Dogs & Cats
Parastin Big Dog 30kg
Peking Gold 50ml
Penicillin G 100ml
Pentoflex Gold 50ml
Pentosan 50ml
Pentosan Gold 10ml
Pentoxifylline E.R. for Dogs, Cats, and Horses
1570RX | 400 mg 100 ct | $15.99 | ||
1571RX | 400 mg 500 ct | $84.95 |
Percorten-V for Dogs
Percorten-V (desoxycorticosterone pivalate) is used as replacement therapy for the mineralocorticoid deficit in dogs with primary adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison’s Disease). Canine Addison's Disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is a condition in which a dog's adrenal glands aren't working properly. Adrenal glands produce chemicals and hormones that help regulate many bodily functions such as metabolism, blood pressure and stress response. Percorten-V contains 25mg/ml desoxycorticosterone pivalate, which is recognized as having the same qualitative effects as the natural hormone aldosterone. The beginning dose may be recommended at 1 mg per pound of body weight every 25 days.
Phenylbutazone for Horses
1630RX | 1.1 lb | $40.99 | ||
820RX | 2.2 lb | $58.99 |